di·chot·o·my is a collection of wide and intimate landscape images representing both natural dichotomies as well as many of the personal dichotomies and contradictions that define myself as an individual, husband, father, professional and artist.

Personal dichotomies are not always visible. Likewise, through a combination of long exposure and movement, the images in di·chot·o·my could never be viewed with the naked eye. The images seek to capture an alternative reality where connections exist even between apparent opposites and where movement coexists with calmness, peace and tranquility. The results are painterly and ethereal images, captured through the lens, not the brush.
The natural world successfully and effortlessly bridges dichotomies where darkness and light meet, or where unstoppable energy faces off against immovable objects. Personal dichotomies require far more effort - indeed possibly a lifetime - to understand and resolve.

With today's smartphones and tablets capable of taking technically faultless images, the creative challenge is no longer about mastering basic technique and being in the right place at the right time, rather capturing images with emotional impact.
My photographic creativity - whether photographing a simple stalk of grass or a stunning natural vista - is driven by the challenge of making expressive images in-camera that (at least for now) remain impossible to create on a phone or in Photoshop .
Each image has a brief description through which I tell my personal story …